Title: Quit Smoking Right Now MP3 Course - Can You Really Quit Cigarettes in a Few Hours?
One of the most popular quit smoking products on the market right now is QuitSmokingRightNow. It makes the rather large promise of helping you quit cigarettes immediately, and provides a money-back guarantee to back it up. So I decided to check out the course for myself. As a former 40-a-day smoker, I know a thing or two about tobacco addiction…
So what does the course contain?
The full QuitSmokingRightNow course provides a wealth of resources, exclusively in MP3 and PDF formats. This means you can literally download the audio direct to your computer and, if you wish, you can burn it onto CD to listen to in the car, or even your iPod. The PDF files provide transcripts and reading material, including success stories of people who have managed to quit.
How does the course work?
The creator of the product, Rick Beneteau, recommends that you pick a day to be "D-Day". This will be the final day you smoke, and Beneteau lists several things you must do on D-Day to start the program successfully. To some people, the idea of a D-Day may be exciting, and to other sit may be scary. If the thought of it scares you, then perhaps you should think twice before investing in a course such as this - it really is for those who want a smoke-free life.
The following day, you will wake up a non-smoker and listen to the course in full. All the MP3 files should be listened to in relative peace, and in a particular order. Beneteau encourages you to take a day off work in order to do this course in a single day, with the rather wonderful idea that you can triumphantly return to the office the following day as a proud-and-loud non-smoker.

What do the MP3 files talk about?
The MP3 files are to be heard in a very particular order, which has been specially structured to gradually ease you into understanding smoking to be the repellent habit that it is. The MP3 files provide a combination of changing thinking patterns, self-help, history of tobacco, challenging questions and even an audio for affirmations.
You can see the pattern here. The MP3 course is structured as to have a semi-hypnotic effect on you. Many former smokers who have successfully quit the habit have acknowledged that the addiction is 90% psychological; after all, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence available to suggest that many smokers managed to quit the habit easily "when they put their mind to it". Unlike hard drugs, such as heroin, the physical withdrawal symptoms are nowhere near as severe.
The audio collection in QuitSmokingRightNow is completely designed to change the way you think about cigarettes. Ultimately you should be left with absolutely no desire to pick up one of the white sticks ever again.
Am I going to have to make any changes?
No. The authors of the course stipulate that you should maintain your old habits and routine. It is important to stay as close to your "smoking self" as you can without the actual smoking.
The one exception to this is a slight alteration to your daily diet. Although this doesn't reflect the amount of food you can eat, it does mean changing what you actually eat. The idea behind this is twofold: firstly, it cuts off any old associations with taste and tobacco, and secondly it will help you maintain a healthy weight instead of piling on the pounds - a considerable worry for many smokers.

My Conclusion
The fact is that millions of people have stopped smoking all over the world, and many different methods have been used to accomplish this. The question is which method is suitable for you.
If you don't like the idea of chewing nicotine gum and craving cigarettes in a daily battle of willpower for years to come, then I'd highly recommend this course. The only question that remains is whether or not you're ready to quit…
Jonty Smith packed in his 40-a-day habit earlier this year. If you would like to find out more about Quit Smoking Right Now, you can visit
Quit Smoking Right Now
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