Title: 4 Reasons You "Must" Stop Smoking Now
Reason number 1: Nicotine is a deadly poison
Nicotine is the addictive agent used in cigarettes. It is one of the most virulent and deadly poisons known, in fact it is more deadly than strychnine. The does in 1 cigarette is certainly not enough to kill you outright but its said that if you were to consume the volume of nicotine in 2 cigarettes at once it could very well kill you outright.
In addition to nicotine there are many other harmful agents in tobacco smoke. They are so numerous in fact that there are entirely too many to list in this short article.
Reason number 2: Money
Have you ever stopped and figured up how much it costs you to smoke those cigarettes? If you buy your cigarettes 1 pack at a time you might not stop to consider how much its costing you over the course of a month or year because the amount is small at the time of purchase. Lets say you pay $4 per pack for your cigarettes and you smoke 2 packs a day. That’s 60 packs of cigarettes per month or $240! And over the course of 12 months that would add up to $2880!! Any ideas what you might do with an extra $2880 dollars? I know I could.
Reason number 3: Health
Well the bad news is that smoking increases your risk of getting cancer, and we are not just talking about lung cancer. Smoking is also linked to cancer of the kidneys, esophagus, laryns, bladder and stomach. Its said that men who smoke are 23 times, and women who smoke are 13 times more likely to get cancer that men and women who don’t smoke.If you stop smoking right now your body starts feeling the benefits of quitting within as little as 20 minutes.
Reason number 4: Social
With all the new smoking bans being put in place its certainly not getting any easier to smoke in public places. Smoking is also not acceptable to many people because of secondary smoke and or the smell associated with smoking. Since you smoke your are often times oblivious to the offensive smell of cigarette smoke.There are many good reasons to stop smoking, so don’t put it off. Improve your health social, and financial status by making it your goal to stop today.
Alexis Young writes on many health related issues. If you want more information please visit my website and learn about the many different treatments available to help you stop smoking today. http://stopsmokingtreatments.blogspot.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexis_Young